okt dog budibadabadu: ::: kumpul ora kumpul sing penting friendster

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

::: kumpul ora kumpul sing penting friendster

"The breath of life.
Ask me what is the most important thing in the world
And I will reply
It is people, it is people, it is people.
The breath of life.."
(Old Maori proverb)

Saya sering dibilang kuno karena tidak ikutan friendster. Lha abis gimana ya, saya belum tertarik je.. Nah, entah dari siapa/dari mana, saya lupa (maklum agak pikun padahal belum terlalu tua), iseng-iseng saya mengisi beberapa pertanyaan di bawah ini. Tentu saja sambil digangguin Badu, yang berusaha curi-curi liat, berusaha menghapus jawaban saya dan menggantinya dengan versi dia. Hohoho, untung saya waspada. Lho, lho, kok dia malah ketawa? Jangan-jangan...

1. if you were named 'truth', what would you BE like?
>> Rashomonesque truth, pasti seru.

2. describe 'a beach' from your MIND?
>> Kata makian, "sun of a beach!!!"

3. destination were France, but you arrived in Palestine... WHAT would you do?
>> Ctrl+Z

4. one item 'to DIE for' would be?
>> Tiket ke surga.

5. give your home a NAME, and it would be?
>> Xanadu!

6. today you're performing in front of 10,000 people... what would you PERFORM?
>> SULAP "menghilangkan diri", tapi nggak balik-balik lagi, pasti mereka kesaaal.. hehehe.

7. who would your DREAM 'skinny dip' partner be?
>> Tyler Durden, tentu saja. :p

8. a mountain of cool DIFFERENT shirts in front of you, describe one shirt you took?
>> Hiker costume, to hike the mountain.

9. create ONE new indonesian WORD, and it would be? and what would it mean?
>> 'tukgling'. Artinya kurang lebih mirip "wakwaoo.." Kata jenius yang ditemukan oleh seorang teman baik saya, yang ternyata lebih untuk menggambarkan dirinya sendiri. :p

10. WHAT would you be thinking of, if you heard the word 'stay'?
>> 'kenapa harus?'

11. if you saw a purple sky, how would you FEEL?
>> Kemarin warnanya orange lho, trus kemarin lusa merah jambu. Saya jadi curiga Tuhan lagi suka ngulik Photoshop.

12. if you ever saw a mermaid, what would you SAY to it?
>> Gak penting banget seeeh.. NEXT question please!

13. do you 'TEST' people?
>> *rahasia*

14. what is your OPINION on secret admirer?
>> Gabung aja di fans club saya, gratis kok.

15. explore OR exploit?
>> Absolutely BOTH!

16. if you were a year, what YEAR would you be?
>> Mmm.. 65,5 juta tahun yang lalu itu tahun berapa ya? Pokoknya pas dinosaurus punah dihajar "sesuatu". Pasti seru..

17. HOW do you get over a broken heart?
>> Nonton film Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941) berulang-ulang, sampai hapal sendiri setiap dialognya.

18. if you were a DRUG, what would you cure?
>> Alzheimer!

19. what is your plan for your NEXT birthday?
>> Memberi hadiah kejutan untuk diri sendiri.. dan saya harus berhasil terkejut!

20. what is HEAVEN to you?
>> Seperti ini: "... a small resort north of Far-from-Hell where Bada’s ‘parents’ live in a condominium near a lake. There are forests and gray skies, arthouses with great movies and rare stuff, good library, and a place called Korova Milkbar with waiters with little leather bow ties."

21. what would be the best DRIVE-IN date movie?
>> Psycho-nya Hitchcock, tapi nontonnya harus bener-bener pas tahun 1960, sebab konon ngantri drive-in movie nya sampe 3 mil panjangnya! Haha, only boring people get bored!

22. you were a math and science expert, what would you SOLVE?
>> Menjadikan Transmogrifier-nya Calvin benar-benar nyata adanya, lalu memproduksinya secara massal dengan harga terjangkau oleh anak-anak.

23. when is enough is ENOUGH?
>> When ENOUGH is enough.

24. how would you want your WORLD to be like?
>> Like SURGA.

25. if you were a WITCH, what would your speciality be?
>> Turn this world into SURGA.

26. how do you SEE humans from a dog's point of view?
>> Manusia? Hahaha! Bisa-bisanya mereka bikin film ini untuk bilang "Dog is God spelled backwards." Dasar!!

27. describe a ROOM where you were kidnapped and being kept as a hostage?
>> Mirip salah satu adegan di film A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick, 1971): saya disekap dan diikat, mata saya diganjal supaya tidak bisa merem... cuma bedanya: film yang terus menerus diputar di depan mata saya adalah film-film Rhoma Irama. Arggghhh!!!

28. if you were a WORD, which word would you be?
>> 'word'

29. write one INSPIRING sentence, and it would be?
>> "...nasib adalah kesunyian masing-masing..." [Bung Chairil Anwar, tentu saja!]