okt dog budibadabadu: ::: bittersweet bundle of misery...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

::: bittersweet bundle of misery...

Saya mendengar kisah ini dari Boris, kolega baru kami. Dia mendapatkannya dari seorang peri cantik yang berumah di sebuah negeri indah bernama Masa Lalu. Tampaknya ini sebuah opera sabun, padahal saya bukan penikmat tipikal cerita seperti ini. Dan saya tahu persis, di sebelah saya, Badu sedang berusaha keras menahan tawa—baik jenis sinis maupun geli—ketika membaca kisah tersebut. Tapi Boris tampak begitu serius, jadi kami tidak tega. Hohoho, ada satu bundel cerita yang dia bawa ke kami. Kira-kira begini ringkasan episode kali ini:

“Oh, Katie... What's up?”

“I want to leave him. He wants to leave me. It’s really the only thing we can do. And yet, neither of us can do it.”

“For God’s sake, Katie, you pack a bag, and you leave. So simple.”

“It’s not that painless, Bor. It’s not that simple. I love Bradley. I really do. We have a home together. Not just an apartment with furniture in it. We’ve got a home. And a history. And we cared enough about each other to get married in the first place, so, you know… We have more of a reason to split up than most people, and no kids to keep us together, but we both still want it to work so very much…”

“Oh God…” I shook my head, mopped with half a heart at the remaining cold cream on my face, held Katie in my arms while she sobbed.

“I like it better when things are more black-and-white, Bor...” she said.

Saya melirik Badu. Dari raut mukanya—cold, as usual—saya tahu dia tidak tertarik dengan cerita sentimentil semacam itu. He's a tough guy, or at least he always wants to be. Tapi entah kenapa, kelihatannya dia menyukai Boris. Betul dugaan saya: tak lama kemudian, Boris resmi diangkat menjadi anggota Brotherhood of Badu. Hey, saya tetap penasaran mendengar komentar Badu tentang kisah yang dibawa Boris. “Klise...” ujar Badu dingin. Lalu kami bertiga berlari menembus hujan, menuju mobil Badu, VW Combi merah marun dengan plat nomor D 374 VU.